Earth Day
Garden Tool Swap
We teamed up with our local environmental activist group, ACES (Aurorans for Climate and Environmental Sense), and celebrated Earth Day 2023 with a Garden Tool Swap Freecycle. Gently used items such as shovels, rakes, hoses, birdfeeders, ceramic pots, hand tools, seeds & seedlngs were traded with neighbors.
Residents were invited to bring what they wanted to contribute and take whatever they wished! Chemicals of any kind (fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, etc.), mowers or power tools, broken items, or Items too large to carry were not allowed.
All items were given and taken freely. Nothing was for sale.
Donations were not required to participate, nor did participants have to take anything. The only "Swap Rule" is to take according to need so everyone can participate. Unclaimed items were donated after the event was over.​ Be on the lookout for a similar event in the Spring of 2024!